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![]() WishList; good grades in olevel, new lomo camera, gain skills in rugby, lose weight, a person who i can share my life with, speak arabic and french.
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March 2008
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Thursday, July 31, 2008
Horoscope for today.
Perk up your energy today with good old-fashioned physical exercise! And before you start worrying about how to fit in a marathon before lunch, relax. Your feats don't have to be huge ones. Just take a walk someplace you ordinarily would have driven to. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Do some sit ups while you're watching television. The idea is to get your body moving and your blood pumping, not to push yourself to your very limits. Start small and see how you like it.
OMG! this is so real maan. hahaha
I cannot believe im so jobless today! haha. all i did was sleep, eat, watch tv, internet haha. i wantd to go to menda but then im too lazy hahha. Well yesterday was fun, i went out with the girls. Finally i met fee after how long i havent seen her! haha. anyways, it turned out we made a new friend, dean HAHA. me and menda had plans to make new friends now, seriously, its all about the new world now. we missed the old times, but its time to move on. Put your head up high, or maybe nose up high?? HAHA. i havent been much active on friends nor blog since im still on my exam week. oh good luck those are having their qualifyings!! well anyhoo, i gtg now. love you guys! :D
Monday, July 28, 2008
Oh its monday.
Exam was okey today. Nothing much happen today, except on the phone with menda haha for like 2-3 hours as usual uh! haha. We're planing to watch kuntilanak and darknight on the same day but then i have function on wednesday night pfft.
How i miss azim right now, sigh. fyi; im not to shy or embarass to say his name because he doesnt read my blog! so yeah heh. How i miss everything. us and life. If we were actually still together, my life would be perfect like it used to :/ now its a total diff world,, atleast menda is still here for me like the old times :) Oh i met rafie, eez's little brother. Finally, the kid from uk HAHA. you are so adorable maaan. Marry me when you grow up okey! haha or marry my daughter ;) hahahha. im just so happy and hyper right now. im gonna go off soon, since i have tahlil later on.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Today was tiring heh. i got tuition in the morning, then function at mumy dinah's place then we went to babu raja's istana. then went home then im here typing waiting for my brother to come along with haziq my little nephew haha and then tonight back to mumy dinah's. but before THAT im gonna drop at menda's for awhile to check on her . she's not feeling well today,kasian my baby.
Babu raja's istana was new, well decorated. its super nice! and big and hot and fun haha. so anyhoo, i guess ill be going there for this weeks and its during exam :S i havent even read a single book! hopefully my brain will be working tomorrow. AMIN! . Wafi is still in china, wondering how is he hmm ? heheh. and fee sigh* where is she? i miss her so so bloody much. and i wonder how was the tanglong on sat heh. too bad we only had our own fireworks at mumy dina's house, since there was bingo's,karaoke and lotsa event was happening. plus ayah daniel is the sponsor's for fireworks in brunei so he brought some and played that night. haha so i didnt actually miss much whatever happening in bandar HAHA :D my horoscope says that today is a fine day. and i think im so happy right now. whatever problem i had, solved! :D what i want to do now? trying to make myself study! haha. "The bumpy road you've been on for a while is going to get a whole lot smoother today. What's funny is that while you'll love the change of pace, a part of you is going to miss all of the exciting drama. An easy life can become a boring life, and this is something you understand all too well. Just try to enjoy this more peaceful period while it lasts. Don't wish it were different -- because soon enough it will be! This lull in the action will give you a chance to regroup and recharge." told ya so :D
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Can i move out?
"Privacy is the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and thereby reveal themselves selectively. The boundaries and content of what is considered private differ among cultures and individuals, but share basic common themes." and i dont think my parents understand that simple word! pfft. im like so pissed off right now and sad, where could menda be heh? but nvm, atleast im chating with yumi now, she cheered me up. thanks sayangku. HUGS! let dance soon. lets roboh the studio hahah.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Not my day.
It is a very good time for you to leap into the center of the action and grab your piece of the pie, today. Nothing and no one can stop you, once you set your sights on something. Remember that when you feel some competitors breathing down your neck. Step up to the big personalities who usually intimidate you -- they are no match for you today. Your ego has never been healthier, and you are ready for anything. There is literally no stopping you! though my horoscope didnt really followed me today but i know one thing is right, "you are ready for anything" and yes i am. Exam starts on monday. Internet has to be cut down soon, gonna concentrate maan. i learn from my mistake. i may kill time but i never forget who i am and where i belong towards the world. A bestfriend never leave her/his side's partner no matter how serious matter it would be. a bestfriend stays as a bestfriend. and what i need now is a bestfriend. but where is she? Allah knows where she is.
To WafiyM.
Hey Waffle! haha :P Good luck tomorrow for your china trip. Have lotsa fun while you can.
Dont be nervous! and dont forget to pray. You've been gone this few days, i know your abit busy huhu. Atleast you did it, not going online! haha. hopefully you'll be reading this before your off to china!. Be safe, come back the way you are yeah! haha. hugs.i wanted to do that trademark that everyone has been doing, the WM haha but then my camera is out of batt so ill just put your picture instead! haha. ![]()
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Freestyle is fun! :D
During mamat's birthday.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Teenage Dirtbag baby.
Yeay! finally got the pictures. haha so yeah here are the pictures that was taken by our handsome boy Jeez! what a reunion maan :) love you girls.
Nose job.
My first time bloggng using phone HAHA. this is cool! :D Anyhoo, the prince charming was no where to be found and didnt see his smile. That preety much botherd me.
Fee's back! Hurray! Cant wait to story her abt what had happn on the weekends haha. Im off to hospital tmrw for a check up abt my nose! Haha. Somethng's wrong w/ my nose :D tell u aftr visiting the doc hehe. ok! Im tired of typing hah. Love you guys and keep on reading!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Jauh mimpiku.
This song really made me happy today and realize something.
Im not gonna look behind to the past while enjoying my present and future, loosing love doesnt mean its the end of the world. Loosing friends, you end up having another new friends. But loosing family is the hardest thing to accept when your parents are divorced. I've been through tons and tons of pain but i have my REAL friends to back me up. and i love you guys. you know who you are!.
Because of Menda, i believe in horoscope now. Today's horoscope for me is,
"Even if novels aren't quite your cup of tea, flipping through some books on the bestseller shelf or looking through a short story collection could give you a brand new idea about how to handle a real life problem. There is a lot of inspiration in creative expressions, especially those that encapsulate one special idea and convey it in a way you have never considered before. Often, mysterious feelings can be better understood if you can see them from a more dramatic point of view." That is really true! im actually pissed to someone right now or shall i say a GROUP but then useless to get mad on :) Menda's was "One of your friends is experiencing some relationship problems and they are letting them affect your friendship a bit too much, in your opinion. They're distracted when they're with you, and can only seem to talk about what's bothering them. It's no surprise that your patience is running low. Don't feel guilty about your frustration -- start a conversation with them. Remind them how much you care about them, but show them that by alienating you they aren't going to help themselves." Thats true also, it happened just now.
Finally i went to bandar last night, with mimi ruby and menda. We didnt actually went in the perayaan cause it was fully crowded but we did bumped into them yumi and had some poses for awhile haha with jeez's camera i think. and funny jeez has to bring the stand for the camera haha. Oh and yeah we had fun, we had some ass break down but whatever we still had fun! haha. i havent pm'd jeez yet for the pictures, left my camera at home so we had to use phone. here's some pico. ![]() ![]() My Morning sunday turn out fine :) my 1st day being in flying colours; Tina&M was in one class with me. YEAY! and that totally made my day maan. haha. We got scolded by our poa teacher due to coming in class late after we were give 15 minutes break haha. We made our own rule by entering the class 20 minutes late :D Anyhoo, i was going through mums pendrive and saw ALOT of my old pictures which i want you people to see. HAHA and see how cala i used to be HAHAHAHAH ! My 1st blonde hair :D ![]() During our stay at labuan with mum's office's friends. IDK who did the glowing on me only haha
Little nephew
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Guess what you guys! I finally found a song that has my name on it. and its so FUNNY!! HAHAHA.
Go check it out. Dat nunu. Kaching ching $$. ![]()
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Random survey :D
What is on your desktop wallpaper? What is your favorite zoo animal? What was your favorite toy as a child? What food do you eat too much of? What kind of hairstyle do you have? What was your favorite activity in gym class? What is on the shirt you're wearing right now? What is the picture nearest to you of? What kind of salad dressing do you like? Whats your least favorite food? What do you do on a Sunday night? If you could only use one condiment on your food for the rest of your life, what would it be? What color are your sheets? How big is your computer display? What pair of shoes do you wear most often? =Ballerina type. What is your favorite game? What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? What is your favorite pizza topping? What time do you plan on waking up tomorrow? What is your favorite day of the year?
They call me ashlee ;)
Its been awhile i havent actually blog like blog blog! ahaha. Unfortunently i have not much story to share with you all. My weekends turn out alright. Sunday with the fun fair. Monday school, omar making me smile HAHA & ofcourse midnight movie. Tuesday the outing with yong and the girls.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Last night the people aka the usual HAHA we went for a movie, a late one that is. Unfortunately , Wafi had seen it so he ijat and rach, they took another movie, hancock! haha. funny name, Anyways, the rest of us was watching Journey to the center of the earth!. i love it, though i kinda skipped abit cause me and manda was too cold AND afiq called. aww we miss you fiq! no worries, ill keep on blogging to give you full 411 on what we have been doing. We'll draw pictures of you all around our pictures HAHAH. Oh and guess what i got in the cinema FOR FREE! haha. lucky me oh oh lucky me! haha.
You love geo, go put ur ass on the cinema and watch journey to the center.. Seriously you'll be learning awhole lots of geo in it, esp VOLCANO hehe. Pictures are still in Rach's camera soo ill upload it soon. And after Movie we went for tk, nomore kianggeh. Oh how i miss kianggeh right now! :D Hot news; i now have 2 new friends. new friendly person. Wafi & akmal. You know making friends is like making a successful cake! haha err yeah! something like that haha.Im at menda's now. Fee and menda are sleeping, boohoo. they slept late last night due to watching lhong khong HAHA. i was too tired so i snooze earlier :D Anyways, im blank and soon off to shower. astalavista baby! . xoxo, ashlee.
Photo photo!.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Jigsaw Playschool.
Jigsaw was hella fun!. Kids was the bomb! They are little angels and i love them so much!.
Especially paintings on their faces was fun! hahaha. Well lotsa more to say but its raining HEAVILY like Kaboom boom ! so tell you more tmrw. xoxo.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Jigsaw Playschool.
Jigsaw Family Fun Day '08
Venue: Jigsaw playschool,kiarong. Time: 1pm onwards Date: 13th july 2008 Bouncer are available for the kids.Dry&wet. Face paintings.Fun games for both adults and kids. Awesome Lucky draws. It is open to public. Come and enjoy the fun&laughter. P/s: You can find me at the face painting section ;) |